I have long had a love affair with the complementary color scheme. I like the visual bounce it produces in the brain. High interest. Envision it this way. Imagine you are looking at a color wheel. Look at two colors directly across from one another. It is like a visual tennis match. Your eyes won't rest on one much longer than the other. The brain likes complementary color schemes. They are interesting.
How could you expect me to resist this given that love affair? One of the reasons I loved the first Nike "Just Do It!" campaign was because of this color combination. Complementary color scheme, blue and orange and IT IS A JAPANESE COTTON PRINT!!!! That combination could drive me to some kind of Twelve Step Program if I really had a problem....
Now add a graphic print, little squares, squiggly lines, motifs, and a variety of shapes. It was sold before that temptress even put it up on the Internet. I am already placing them on a blouse in my brain for the most impact and small visual surprises.
I keep myself away from Internet fabric sites for just this reason. I have ordered some on line but haven't been quite satisfied when I received it. Now, reinforced with better graphics on my Ipad and confidence in Marci Tilton's level of taste, it either gave me the confidence or made me jump right into the old insanity pool to order fabric, in a shorter amount of time, than any Internet order I have ever placed.