Friday, November 7, 2014

Cleaning up Scraps

It has been a long time since I have been as productive creatively as I want. There always seems to be something that keeps me from starting. I have come to think of them as "scraps of distraction."  During the past year I have identified many scraps of distraction that contribute to this inertia. A considerable amount of time has been spent identifying and discarding those scraps.

Sewists are experts on scraps.There are always scraps left over from sewing projects. Like any other piece of textile, I am hesitant to get rid of them. There just might be a use for them. They may make a great detail on another garment. It is the old, I might be able to use this again imagination.

Scraps of distraction really have no positive influence. I have discovered they just need to be dealt with and discarded. There are no good reasons to hold on to them.

During this year I have:
  • Worked hard at getting rid of the projects around the house that I neglect. I tend to think I can't sew until I get them done. 
  • Spent time organizing things so the stuff I hate to do can be accomplished efficiently. 
  • Reflected on my value system in relation to productivity and the origins of those frameworks for thinking. It revealed erroneous patterns of behavior and thinking in relation to the management of productivity They were not based in a pragmatic management system for the completion of tasks but some past perception that was proclaimed fact by someone else. 
  • Identified how much time I spend doing things. Knowing how much time it really takes to do things allows me to slot them into available minutes rather than thinking I can't do it now. 
  • Realized that in essence, if it doesn't help me, deal with it, get rid of it and move on. 

Clearing scraps of distraction from the creative path gives me space to do what I really want to do.

Do you have scraps of distraction? What are they? Where are they left over from?

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