Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reunited in the Twilight Zone!

Memorial Day weekend - Be productive or not productive? That is the question. I chose both. I read a good book then dived right into the Twilight Zone, more commonly known as the sewing room. It has been a long winter with a lot of life happening and the Twilight Zone descended upon my room. This weekend I created havoc, similar to the remains of a bomb detonation, in an effort to start organizing the fabric - not a task for the weak of heart.

Out of sight, out of mind, reigns supreme in my brain. I have found plastic bins in the basement do not work for me, despite my diligent inventory system that catalogs the fabric. So I "blew up" the whole fabric collection and started over. I have compiled all of my fabric by color, knit, sweator knits, wool, and silk. I have invaded a larger closet where it can all be seen in a glance and put as much in there as I possibly could, with the wools stored for the winter and the high loft items in what my family refers to as the "coffins." The coffins are plastic storage bins, to end all storage bins, that are large enough that children up to the age of 10 can lay in. They fit well under the ping pong table much to my husband's frustration. I figure even I can remember what is stored in them and they are easily accessible for "visitation."

I usually hate cleaning, organizing, and related domesticity. However, surrounded by my fabric, I have to admit I felt like I was at a reunion with old friends I hadn't seen in a long time. There were those I had forgotten and of course those friends that no matter how long it has been - you pick up right where you left off. It was fun to see and touch it again, to visit old plans and form new ones. I am really looking forward to my new creations. Being able to locate everything easily is a great motivator for me to begin. After two days, I had most of it stored appropriately by 12:30 AM - the end of Memorial Day. Did I mention we fondly call it, "The Kathy Memorial Textile Collection?"

My family fears my fabric collection will consume our home. Their comments and jokes about my fabric collection are an endless source of amusement for both of them. My son claims it is all going to attack him someday, so he thought it would be amusing to dramatically act out his fears amongst the chaos . I affectionately call this photo:

Revenge of the Fabric.

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