Thursday, February 10, 2011

Home Decor Sewing: Boring or Relief?

I am standing in the middle of my sewing room that overflows with fabric, patterns, notions. You name it. I am at a loss. It is that idea of the big project that I will sew furiously on that stops me. There hidden under a pile of fabric and unfinished projects a guilt inducing project is peeking out at me with a forlorn look.

I started making a duvet for my son's bed an embarrassingly long time ago. He won a bedroom set at the Brewer's fan appreciation night. This is an ultimate experience for a kid that lives for baseball. This is no small set. Think triple dresser with mirror, queen size sleigh bed with mattress and box springs. (Insert guilty mother sigh here.) I think my son has abandoned the idea of the cover for his bed.

I have always been a dedicated apparel sewist. Home Decor sewing was just a necessity. It isn't something I really enjoy... or might I? I decided this would be a really good place to start because I can just start sewing. No fitting and getting lost in all the possible combination of fabric, patterns, and design details. Sewing without problems is appealing.

Once I get started sewing a project I "sew a lot in my head" before the next session. Those problems that kept me from progressing on this project resolved themselves during that problem solving "head sewing." I mastered the top band. I accommodated the idiosyncrasies of the sleigh bed's design. I even completed the large coordinating pillow during all the Super Bowl commercials. It is nice to have that feeling of a project completed also.

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